Thursday, February 7, 2008

Crazy day at work

Today was one of those days where I questioned whether I was in the right profession or not.

Oh boy! Between tranfusing blood to one patient, transferring another quickly declining patient to the ICU, calling up grumpy doctors (I don't blame them, I wouldn't want to have their job), not having a nurse's aid half the day, while at the same time trying not to ignore my other three patients, I was exhausted. On a normal day I'm supposed to go off shift at 6:30 and I didn't leave until 8:00 because I had so much charting to catch up on. The thing that always makes it okay at the end of the day is the people I work with. My patients were so kind and my co-workers were so understanding and helpful. This makes the stress of being a nurse all worth it!


Tonya said...

what you do makes a differece Tammy...

keep up the good work!

Sharon said...

It takes a special person to do the job you are doing. Even if you burn out & change jobs in a few years, you will have helped a lot of people. You need to remember to take care of yourself first though, because otherwise you will not be able to take care of others. Stay Healthy & Be Happy!
Love you,

Unknown said...

Nurse Tammy....We Love You!!!!!!
Love, Mom & Dad