Monday, May 9, 2011

Caution Readers


I'm such a proud mommy. This is what Andrew did tonight.

I haven't been pushing too hard to potty train Andrew. I was waiting until he showed some interest so I wouldn't overly stress out about the whole thing. We caught him sitting on the toilet in our hotel room a couple weeks ago while in San Diego and he's been tugging on his diapers like they irritate his skin. Tonight I noticed that Andrew was squatting in the living room, so I took him into the bathroom and let him sit on the toilet for a little while. He didn't really do anything, but I decided to put underwear on him and watch him closely in the living room. He started squatting again so I said "Andrew, why don't you sit on the toilet" and I brought his little toddler toilet in the living room. He sat on it while watching the Backyardigans. I didn't really think he was going to do anything and got on the computer and started reading blogs. I kind of forgot that he was sitting on the toilet and suddenly noticed a very strong smell. He had success!!! Oh, some of the joys that come to a mommy of a 2 1/2 year old are embarrassing. Haha! I'm still a little nervous about having him wear underwear, but I guess we'll have to try it a little each day now (and maybe invest in a carpet cleaner)

1 comment:

Miranda-Jayne said...

Haha! I loved the phone call last night... "Poooo-pooooooooooo!"

